Vichar Samiti is an NGO working for the overall development of Sagar District of Madhya Pradesh. The organisation registered itself on 21/12/2004 under the name of ‘Vichar Samiti’ under the Madhya Pradesh Societies Registration Act of 1973. Our registration number is: 06/09/01/04737/04.
With our network of 5000+ active volunteers, Vichar Samiti works on-ground – every day and especially, in times of crisis. Our aim is to empower lives in rural as well as urban areas through 360-degree development across Health, Education, Employment, Healthcare and Sanitation. Our aim is to create a model for sustainable development that can be replicated and scaled up across the nation and globally.
Our strategy is not just to create awareness, but to inspire people to improve their lives by building their confidence through a network of people who are connected by love and trust. One such model under implementation is our slum area development network. With 12,500 households targeted , one volunteer is responsible for advocating/ implementing our projects in 10 houses. It is through such networks that we aim to connect people and help change lives.
To improve Ecological, Economical, Social as well as Cultural aspects of the lives of people and to achieve immediate, and lasting change in their lives
To create a model of sustainable, participative development through awareness and social action for overall growth leading to better living standards, initially at Sagar District of Madhya Pradesh.